LILYS KITC Lk Dog Gf Multi 6Pk 400g

ManoMano Price Was £25.87 STORE HOMEPAGE First seen in Nov 2020
Sunday Lunch x 2 Wild Campfire x 2 Fishy Fish Pie x 2. Now you can treat your dog to our grain free recipes in a mixed 6 pack! With 3 proper wholesome dog food recipes your four-legged friend can enjoy a selection of scrumptious grain-free suppers - ideal for easier digestion. Whichever nutritionally complete recipe you choose it'll be made with freshly prepared nutritious meat vibrant vegetables and botanical herbs. And thanks to top notch ingredients and a clever chef each healthy balanced meal will be utterly irresistible to your dog. We make our recipes with wholesome natural ingredients - freshly prepared or fresh meat vegetables fruits and herbs - to produce a delicious digestible food for dogs. We only ever use proper meat in our recipes: no meat meal no bone meal no rendered meat. Our unique recipes don't contain any cheap fillers - like wheat corn or soya - and they don't contain any nasties
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