James Wellbeloved Turkey & Rice Senior Small Breed Dog Food

B&Q £42.16 Go to B&Q First seen in May 2024
Hypoallergenic dog food for pets with sensitivities Selected natural ingredients *No added artificial flavours, colours, or antioxidants Small breed senior dog food with a single source animal protein Recipe excludes common allergens beef, pork, soya, eggs, dairy & wheat Natural prebiotics for mature dogs' healthy digestion Dog food dry with vitamin E & minerals to support mature dogs' immune system With essential amino acids to help maintain healthy hearts Turkey meal – a delicious protein from sustainable sources Brown & white rice – a highly digestible carbohydrate Alfalfa- a natural source of fibre and the antioxidant beta carotene Chicory Extract – a source of prebiotic inulin helping to maintain the gut flora Yucca – a natural deodoriser for less smelly poos Smaller kibble for small breed dogs' smaller mouths Antioxidants - Natural antioxidants from pomegranate, green tea and rosemary to support the immune system.turkey meal (22.5%), white rice (22%), brown rice (19.5%), naked oats, turkey fat (3.8%), whole linseed, sugar beet pulp, turkey gravy (2.9%), pea fibre, alfalfa meal, tomato pomace, carrots, seaweed, dried vegetarian stock, fish oil, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, nettles (0.125%), parsley (0.125%), chicory extract (0.1%), calcium carbonate, green tea extract (0.053%), cranberry extract (0.05%), glucosamine (0.045%), yucca extract, chondroitin (0.005%), pomegranate extract (0.001%), rosemary extract (0.001%).
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