James Wellbeloved Grain Free Dry Senior Dog Food Lamb & Vegetables

Pets at Home £48.50 Go to Pets at Home First seen in Jan 2024
James Wellbeloved naturally supports your pet's health with natural ingredients. They have been making healthy, complete and balanced dog food since 1992. They believe that the foundation of good health can be found in nature and a hypoallergenic diet, so their food excludes common allergens and has no artificial flavours, colours or antioxidants.Specially crafted for pets who are sensitive to cereals, this recipe includes a handful of nature's nourishing ingredients combined with flavourful lamb for highly digestible, quality protein dry dog food. Then, using all their knowledge and experience, James Wellbeloved have added all the vitamins and minerals your pet needs to stay happy, healthy and full of life.Features:Hypoallergenic dog food for pets with sensitivities;Selected Natural Ingredients* No added artificial flavours, colours or antioxidants;Excludes common allergens Beef, Pork, Soya, Eggs, Dairy and Wheat;Senior Dog Food with a Single Source Animal Protein;Easy to digest for pets with grain sensitivities;With Vitamin E and minerals to support mature dogs' immune system;With essential amino acids to help maintain healthy hearts;Lamb dog food - a delicious source of protein with essential minerals;Peas - a natural source of protein;Potato - a highly digestible carbohydrate;Chicory Extract - prebiotic inulin helping maintain the gut flora;Yucca - for less smelly poos;Chondroitin and Glucosamine - generally believed to support healthy joints.Suitable for senior dogs aged 7+ years.Approximate Dimensions (Product): 1.5kg: 43 x 19 x 10.5cm;10kg: 77 x 37.5 x 13cm.$Nutrition$Composition: Potato flakes (28.1%), lamb meal (23%), pea starch (22.6%), tomato pomace (5%), whole linseed, lamb fat (3%), lamb gravy (3%), peas (2.6%), sugar beet pulp, pea protein, alfalfa meal, carrots (0.5%), seaweed, pea fibre, sunflower oil, fish oil, potassium chloride, parsley (0.125%), nettles (0.125%), sodium chloride, chicory extract (0.1%), calcium carbonate, glucosamine (0.045%), yu
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