Etsy - BrooklynRefinery Fine Art Poster | Fruits Vegetables Apples Pears Carrots Educational Botanical Posters Vintage Print

Etsy UK £24.13 Go to Etsy UK First seen in Nov 2022
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Highest price was seen £24.18 on 18 Apr 2024
Lowest price was seen £23.78 on 11 Apr 2024
Average price is £23.89 base on 5 price changes
Most recent price is £24.13
This is a reproduction of a vintage print featuring images of fruits & vegetables, manufactured by Harper & Brothers in 1862 for educational use. Our shop features fine art prints, posters, & wall art of images that are gorgeous & classic, so you can decorate your home or office with ease. A high quality digital image of this wonderful artwork will be printed on demand upon your purchase, on matte finish fine art paper using the Giclee printing method of fine ink application. Sizes: We offer our prints in multiple sizes. We maintain the image quality & don't stretch an image beyond what's required to keep it sharp. If you see an image that's only offered in smaller sizes, it's because larger sizes would not maintain image sharpness. Sometimes we come across images that are unique & gorgeous, but too small to be printed without substantially losing quality. in that case, we vectorize the image so it can be sized up without losing sharpness. Frames are not included. Every print ships ready to frame. Printing: Our museum-quality art prints are printed on thick & durable matte paper, with colors that will last. Each artwork is manufactured using Giclee printing techniques, with acid-free paper & archival inks. The inks used in the Giclee process have a much higher resistance to fading than other printing inks. Each art print is printed using an sRGB color profile, assuring a wide array of colors in your art print. Turnaround Time: This product is made on demand, with no minimums required. Delivery times are estimated & might differ based on your number of orders. You'll see the final costs & delivery times in the order checkout. Also, depending on your order destination, you may have to pay a customs fee - which may vary based on the value of the order & other terms. Please Note: We try our best to describe our products with as many details as possible, with photos that show the sizes, colors, & proportions of the work. We take care to gently retouch & enhance vintage images to look their best, eliminating distracting imperfections from the original (such as stains & tears). Many of our prints are from digital assets in the public domain. Please note that the colors in the final product may not match the exact colors as they appear on your computer or phone screen - they may appear marginally different in print due to your color settings. Thank you for looking & shopping here! We'll be uploading new art works regularly, so please check back with us to see what's new. Here's our store link: & please visit our new shop for planners & organizers for home, office, & school. Please bookmark us & visit again! Fine Art Poster | Fruits Vegetables Apples Pears Carrots Educational Botanical Posters Vintage Print
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